Using GPS Files


What are GPX files?

GPX files are simple XML files which contain the plotted route, track and or Waypoints or Points of Interest in a format that most GPS devices and navigation APPs can use. These files are a commonly accepted standard used by many GPS vendors including Garmin, Tomtom and Trailtech. But also many smartphone apps can read GPX files.

I've used and tested every app mentioned below, I like using all of them and as such can recommend them to you so you're assured of a good navigation experience using MotoTravel tracks and routes. Almost all downloads on MotoTravel include a track a route and a POI GPX file. All tracks contain a plotted line. MotoTravel routes contain that same line but with turn-by-turn directions for compatible apps and devices and the POI file contain points of interest you can use along the tracks or routes.

Navigation apps

I've tested the tracks and routes in all of these apps to make sure it all works. Check the page for each app to see how to load GPX files and start navigation.

Osmand | BMW Connected | Guru Maps | Routes (Android) | Mapout

Loading GPX files onto a GPS device

The tracks and routes provided on MotoTravel should be compatible with most modern TomTom, Trailtech and Garmin devices. Any brand should work really - Including built-in units in vehicles. I have no direct experience with any of them though so how that works... Not sure, but it'll probably involve the SD card that goes into the device. Check the manufacturers manual for details.

Getting GPX files onto your mobile phone

This is perhaps the most complex and sometimes confusing part of loading a GPX file onto your phone.
However, there are several ways and none are particularly difficult. Some are faster or simply better than others.

Via cloud storage

I use a cloud service for this. You can do this with Google Drive, Dropbox, Nextcloud or any other cloud storage tool that has an app for your phone. This works on both Android and iOS.

On Android you can often browse the cloud storage from the navigation app you are using.
On iOS it's often the other way around where you navigate the cloud storage app and share the file to the navigation app.

Transfer via cable

For Android, another way is to hook up your phone to your computer with a cable and use a file browser like Android File Transfer (MacOS) or Windows Explorer to put the files directly into the right folder.

If you do not know where your navigation app stores its tracks simply put the file in the 'Downloads' folder or some generic location and import it from there from within the navigation app.

Email attachment

As a last resort you can also email the file to yourself, I think this is a silly method that works counterintuitive, but whatever works best for you of-course. From the email simply tap the attachment and either store it locally to the 'Downloads' folder so you can import the file from there or open it in the navigation app through the choice menu.

Memory card / USB thumb-drive

Some phones let you easily remove the SD card or even connect a thumb-drive. Removing the SD card and loading the GPX files onto there from your computer will work as well. In a similar fashion you can load the files onto a thumb-drive and connect that to your phones USB/charge port, you can then import the GPX files into your navigation app.

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